"T O G B L O G"

How to prepare for your session

What do I wear?

I normally advise my clients to wear something neutral colors. For families, I always encourage them to find a color scheme of 2-3 colors and build your outfits from that. This isn't a requirement by any means, and is ultimately up to you and your comfort level. For more detailed help, I typically send out a dress guide with my contract and terms of service but my phone is always open and you're welcome to reach out any time!

What to expect...

Firstly, welcome! We're glad to have you!

Step 1: T H E I N Q U I R Y & C O N S U L T A T I O N

When you first put in an inquiry, you will be contacted by me to set up a consultation. This can be done via Zoom, or a meeting where I can go through my contract, media release, and what your expectation for your session looks like. This is also where you will solidify the time, date, and location of your session. I believe in a good client relationship and make it a personal goal to build relationships with my clients, and this free consultation is the first step in that process. Once your free consultation has taken place, you will be asked to pay a small non-refundable retainer fee to hold the session spot of your choosing and to sign my Terms Of Service and Media Release forms. If this retainer fee is not paid, or the paperwork is not complete, there is no guarantee of your spot remaining available.

Step 2: T H E C L I E N T G U I D E

Once you have solidified your paperwork and your session details, you will receive a free Client Guide that helps break down what to expect for your session. It will touch on topics such as what to wear, what to expect from me, and what that 2 hour session will look like before you're in front of the camera.

Step 3: T H E S E S S I O N

Most sessions range from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on package details and size. You do NOT need to have any modeling or experience in photography, so don't worry! I will be there to help you every step of the way! Once your session is complete, you can expect me to have 2-3 sneak speaks within 48-72 hours

Step 4: P O S T S E S S I O N

Once all your final photos have gone through the editing process, I will be reaching out to schedule a final meeting. As of 1/1/2023, I have changed up my packaging and business practice to reflect a more personalized approach which means I will personally sit down with you to go through your images. From here, we will build your package together at $7 an image where you can get as little or as much as you want. You will also be shown different printing options including photo books, canvas prints, and more. Once this is complete, your package will be placed and you will have family images that will last you a lifetime!

Sound like a good option to you? Click below to get started!


Looking for sneak peaks of my Sweet Tooth model call? Click below!

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place...I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”